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August 11, 2019

Member Spotlight - Isabel Luna

Tell Us About Yourself:My name is Isabel Luna, 42 years old, Business Banking Underwriter, born and raised in Lufkin,TX; Mom to 19 year old Son-Alberto. I love to stay active! So working out, traveling, food, family, & newfound love for Fitbit (workweek hustle)-lots of steps. And I’m a Marine! Semper Fi!How Long Have You Been A Member At Cityside?4 monthsWhat Made You Start CrossFit?I just knew I wanted something different than the normal running and globo gym and tried my first WOD back in 2011. Even though I was sore for days, I loved the humbling experience it gave me, but it pushed me to keep coming back. I’ve met some amazing coaches and people through CrossFit and am forever grateful.What Do You Enjoy Most About Cityside?Coaches, programming & people!

  • Coaches: Love the professionalism and consistency they carry to class.
  • Programming: Workouts are challenging and humbling at the same time.
  • Community: Lots of beautiful badass athletes at Cityside but besides looks they are passionate and interesting people!

What Goals/Accomplishments Have You Achieved Since Joining?Probably the biggest goal so far is showing up to classes and being committed to the workouts.What Are Your Future Goals?Future goals are to continue to stay active. Keep a healthy life balance in all aspects of life.

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